Van Haren Group


A lifetime of fame

The reward of being an author is not only the ability to collect royalties. The true reward of being an author can not be described in numbers alone. A lifetime of fame could be yours! Though, true greatness does come at an expense.

The job of being an author is not merely writing a manuscript and expecting the publisher to go global. Of course, you can count on us at Van Haren Publishing to do our part. Yet, we do rely on our authors to promote their publications as well. You can start by collecting as many reviews as you can, speaking out by blogging, talking at events, and giving a lecture or a training. Basically – it means telling everybody you meet about your book.

What kind of fame can you expect?

What it takes to become an author

Becoming an author is not an easy task. There are many challenges ahead. Roughly 30 percent of the people committed to writing a book manages to deliver a final manuscript. It requires a high investment in late-night writing, cutting down on private time and relatives. On average, it takes an author between 6 and 12 months to deliver their manuscript.

Van Haren Publishing is a publisher of high-quality content. We uphold a very high standard and cannot (afford to) publish everything that comes across our path. As with any product, a publication needs to be feasible and have marketing potential. First, we need to ensure that a sufficient number of customers will be interested and there there is an audience for your work.

We highly recommend researching the potential value before starting
to write. Please do reach out to us before setting out on this path!

We support authors along the way by using our own best practices
from (personal) experience in writing a book. For example: